79 and feeling fine

Bellinghamsters don’t usually have to deal with below freezing temperatures for more than a few days at a time. This time, I think we may be about halfway through a two week run. It was 12 degrees last night which is not a big deal in Minot, but trust me, that’s HUGE up here. It’s 18 degrees now at 2 pm. Not real inviting for outdoor activities if you know what I’m saying. Supposedly Blizzard 2.0 is due any time now. More snow! And high winds! Woohoo! Mr beatgrl just called from Fred Meyer to say the checkout lines stretched to the toy department and he’d be turning around and exiting immediately. If you know this store that’s really something to picture since it’s about 2 miles from one end of the store to the other and there are about 30 checkout lines!

I now leave you with some warm and cheery pictures.

All good here in the tank

Deoxys is happy in his 79 degree water 🙂

Lovely cyclamen in the kitchen window waits until the dreary winter days to bloom.

Lovely cyclamen in the kitchen window waits until the dreary winter days to bloom.

3 Responses to “79 and feeling fine”

  1. 1 dcup December 20, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    The pictures are lovely. The thought of that cold is chilling. No wonder you were able to sit down and hand write a letter. The motion kept you warm!

  2. 2 seldom seen December 20, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    It got up to around 72* here in Austin today.A blue norther is blowing in this evening though and the next few days will see highs in mid 40s and lows in the high 20s for the Hill Country. By Thursday, the day time temp is scheduled to be back up in the 70s with partly cloudy skies and sun.

    A big campfire in the fire ring at Purtis Creek State Park is the plan though for the winter solstice,tomorrow eve. Blue northers generally bring a crystal clear night sky.

  3. 3 Oceanrevery December 23, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    Ah the thought of crystal clear night skies at reasonable hours… would make Starrevery out of me.

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